Our Dental Clinic

Crowns and Bridges in Bankstown

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What Are Crowns and Bridges?

Crowns and bridges are custom-made dental restorations designed to enhance both the function and aesthetics of your teeth. Crowns are typically used to cover a damaged tooth, offering protection and improving its appearance. Bridges, on the other hand, serve to replace one or more missing teeth, restoring your natural bite.

Both of these solutions offer the benefit of long-lasting durability and are tailored to match your natural teeth, blending seamlessly into your smile.

Why Choose Us for Crowns and Bridges

Our approach at Dental HQ goes beyond mere treatment procedures. Our well-qualified dentists are passionate about providing insightful recommendations to help you preserve your crowns and bridges for as long as possible.

We’re committed to making quality dental solutions accessible to everyone. That’s why we have a pricing strategy that makes our crowns and bridges that are both high-quality and financially within reach for our patients.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Initial Consultation and Treatment Planning

The first step in the process of getting a dental bridge is an initial consultation with our dentist. During this appointment, our dentist evaluates the condition of the teeth surrounding the gap caused by the missing tooth or teeth. The suitability of using dental bridges to replace missing teeth is assessed, and a tailored treatment plan is developed.

Tooth Preparation

Once it’s determined that a dental bridge is the best solution for your missing tooth, the abutting teeth—also known as the ‘anchor’ or ‘pillar’ teeth—that will hold the bridge in place are prepared. Tooth preparation entails reshaping these teeth by eliminating some of the enamel to create space for the placement of a crown. Local anaesthesia is usually administered to ensure that you are comfortable during this process.

Impression Making

After the teeth are prepared, impressions or moulds of your teeth are taken. These impressions serve as a model from which the dental bridge, crowns, and pontics (the false teeth that replace missing teeth) will be made. This ensures a custom fit that matches the natural contour of your adjacent teeth.

Temporary Bridge Fitting

A temporary bridge will be installed to shield the exposed gums and teeth. This is a critical step as it prevents any damage or shifting of teeth and gums while the permanent dental bridge is being made.

Fabrication of the Dental Bridge

The impressions are sent to a dental lab, where skilled technicians use them to fabricate the dental bridge. Materials such as porcelain, ceramics, or metal alloys may be used. The choice of material often depends on the location of the missing tooth, aesthetic considerations, and cost.

Fitting of the Permanent Bridge

Once the permanent bridge is ready, you will be called back to our dental clinic for the fitting process. The temporary bridge is removed, and the new, permanent bridge is adjusted and placed over the prepared teeth. The fit, bite, and aesthetics are carefully checked to ensure everything looks and feels natural.

Final Adjustments and Cementing

Minor adjustments may be needed for a perfect fit. Once both you and our dentist are satisfied, the dental bridge is cemented into place, providing a sturdy, long-lasting solution to replace your missing tooth or teeth.

Initial Consultation and Diagnosis

The journey to getting a dental crown starts with an initial consultation where our dentist will examine the condition of your teeth. Damaged teeth that are cracked, decayed, or have undergone root canal treatment are usually prime candidates for a dental crown. X-rays may be taken, and our dentist will discuss treatment options with you to find out if a dental crown is the best solution.

Treatment Planning

Based on your dental history and the condition of your tooth, a treatment plan is tailored for you. If you’ve had a recent root canal treatment, for example, a dental crown may be recommended to provide additional support to the tooth.

Tooth Preparation

The tooth that is to be crowned is filed down to make room for the dental crown. If the tooth is severely damaged, it may require a filling material to support the crown adequately. Local anaesthesia is often used to numb the area, ensuring you are comfortable during the procedure.

Taking Impressions

Following the tooth’s preparation, our dentist takes an impression of the tooth and the neighbouring teeth. This impression is then forwarded to a dental laboratory, where they create the permanent crown. The details captured in the impression ensure the crown will fit perfectly and interact well with the surrounding teeth.

Fitting a Temporary Crown

Typically, it takes a few weeks for the dental lab to craft the permanent crown. During this period, a temporary crown is placed over the prepared tooth to safeguard it. While temporary crowns are less robust than permanent ones, it’s advisable to be cautious with hard or sticky foods to prevent any damage.

Receipt and Adjustment of the Permanent Crown

Once the dental lab sends back the permanent crown, another appointment is scheduled for its fitting. During this appointment, the temporary crown is taken off, and the permanent crown is positioned on the tooth to check its fit and match the colour.

Minor adjustments may be made to ensure a perfect fit and comfortable bite.

Cementing the Permanent Crown

Once both the dentist and the patient are content with the fit and appearance of the new crown, it is securely cemented in place. This artificial tooth will function similarly to a natural tooth and, with proper care, can endure for numerous years.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

The foundation for preserving the integrity of your dental crowns and bridges is maintaining good oral hygiene. Make sure you brush your teeth twice a day using fluoride toothpaste and don’t forget to floss daily. Flossing is especially crucial for dental bridges, as food particles and plaque can easily accumulate beneath the bridge, leading to decay or gum disease.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

Consistent dental check-ups are vital in maintaining the health and longevity of your crowns and bridges. Our dentist can inspect for any signs of wear and tear and tackle issues before they escalate into major problems. Routine professional cleanings can additionally eliminate any plaque or tartar that might have been overlooked in your daily oral hygiene regimen.

Avoid Hard and Sticky Foods

While dental crowns and bridges are designed to be durable, they are not as robust as natural teeth. Munching on hard foods like ice or candy can cause them to crack. Sticky foods can loosen them, increasing the risk of falling out. Exercise caution when eating, and try to avoid putting too much pressure on crowns and bridges.

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