Our Dental Clinic

Kids Dentist in Bankstown

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What Is Children's Dentistry?

Children’s dentistry is an essential aspect of dental care focused on providing targeted and comfortable dental solutions for children. Skilled in paediatric care, these dentists offer an atmosphere that minimises anxiety and fear.

Key benefits include an educational aspect that teaches kids the importance of dental hygiene, early treatment of any existing dental issues, and the development of a healthy routine that will likely continue into their adult lives.

Why Choose Us for Children's Dentistry?

Dental HQ is dedicated to offering an engaging and child-friendly atmosphere, ensuring that young patients and their families feel at ease when they enter our practice. Our compassionate team is skilled in paediatric dentistry, making every visit stress-free, enjoyable and educational for your child.

We understand that early dental experiences shape future oral health habits. Our holistic approach encompasses immediate paediatric treatments and instils a lifelong awareness of dental hygiene, making us a trusted partner for your child’s bright smile.

bankstown kids dentist, child dental benefits schedule, cosmetic dentistry, australian dental association

Frequently Asked Questions

Your child should have their first dental visit either when they turn one or within six months after their first tooth comes in. This initial appointment is vital for evaluating the condition of your child’s oral health, as well as spotting early signs of tooth decay or other dental concerns.

The visit allows the dentist to provide valuable guidance on preventive dental services and oral hygiene practices to maintain optimal dental health. Establishing a dental care routine early in life is vital for long-term oral health and helps prevent decay and other dental issues.

Tooth Decay

One of the most common dental issues in children is tooth decay, affecting both primary teeth and permanent teeth. Tooth decay occurs when sugars in food and drinks react with bacteria in plaque, creating acids that can eat away at a child’s teeth. Parents often miss the early stages of decay because it may not show noticeable signs.

Gum Disease

While generally considered an adult problem, gum disease can also affect children. Signs to look out for include red, swollen or bleeding gums, especially during brushing or flossing. Gum issues can be a precursor to more severe dental problems in later life, making it essential to get your child’s gums checked at a dental centre.

Dental Emergencies

Children are prone to accidents, and sometimes, those accidents involve their teeth and mouth. Whether it’s a fall that results in a chipped or broken tooth or an injury that causes a tooth to be knocked out entirely, these dental emergencies require immediate attention from a dentist.

Bad Bite and Alignment Issues

Misalignment issues and bad bites (malocclusions) are common in children and can affect both primary and permanent teeth. Not only can these problems compromise aesthetics, but they can also cause difficulty in talking and eating.

Thumb Sucking and Pacifier Use

Many children develop the habit of thumb-sucking or using a pacifier, which usually isn’t a concern for very young kids. However, prolonged thumb-sucking or pacifier use can lead to teeth alignment issues and affect the proper growth of a child’s teeth and mouth. If you notice these habits persisting beyond a reasonable age, consult your paediatric dentist.

Sensitive Teeth

Children sometimes complain of tooth sensitivity when consuming hot or cold foods and drinks. Sensitivity could be due to cavities, worn-down enamel, or exposed tooth roots.

Tongue Thrusting

Some children develop a habit of pushing their tongue against the front teeth when swallowing. Known as tongue thrusting, this habit can lead to dental problems like open bites and may require treatment from a paediatric dentist.

Grinding Teeth (Bruxism)

Teeth grinding or bruxism is often seen in children and could be due to misaligned teeth or stress. Persistent grinding can cause tooth wear and may lead to jaw problems.

Combatting tooth decay effectively begins with the establishment of quality oral hygiene habits from childhood. These include the consistent use of fluoride toothpaste for brushing and the inclusion of flossing. Reducing sugary food and drink consumption is another preventative measure. Making regular dental appointments ensures that any early signs of issues can be determined and treated, aiding in the long-term goal to prevent tooth decay.

Usually, baby teeth start emerging when a child reaches approximately 6 months of age, though this can vary. This phase of teething can be challenging for many infants but is essential for the formation of children’s teeth. A complete set of 20 baby teeth is commonly present by the time a child is between 2 and 3 years old. These baby teeth function as placeholders for the permanent teeth that will later succeed them.

Dental X-rays for children are generally considered to be safe and are performed using low levels of radiation. Modern dental technology has significantly minimised the risks associated with X-rays, and protective measures such as lead aprons are often used to shield the child’s body from any unnecessary exposure. The benefit of diagnosing potential dental issues early on typically outweighs the minimal risk associated with the procedure.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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